
Working to preserve biodiversity and its natural balance.

Our Mission

Biological invasions by exotic species are currently considered one of the main causes of biodiversity loss.


Given this situation, research at FuEDEI is centered on the entomology, botany, ecology, taxonomy and genetics of invasive species in order to develop sustainable control strategies with low environmental impact for the benefit of both agriculture and the environment.


FuEDEI also advises, and provides logistical support to, researchers and institutions, creating cooperative fields for research and experimentation. Results are published in national and international journals and in scientific symposia.


Over 60 years of scientific research to preserve the environment.

Supported by the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, the Foundation for the Study of Invasive Species (FuEDEI) was established to replace the South American Biological Control Lab, an institution with 60 years of expertise in classical biological control, having studied control strategies for over 44 pests and weeds, as well as 250 natural enemies.

FuEDEI is currently carrying out entomological, botanical, ecological, taxonomic and genetic studies to develop management strategies for invasive species including the development of classical biological control agents of weeds and insects.

Our premises and equipment are adequate to carry out our activities.

FuEDEI is settled in 2100 m2 with 13 offices, 3 labs, a library/meeting room and service area.


We have green-houses, walk-in rearing chambers with regulated photoperiod, temperature and humidity, walk-in cages to conduct experiments with insects and plants outdoors. We also have vehicles equipped for field trips.


We have PCR equipment, a microcentrifuge, a laminar flow chamber, an autoclave, freezers, fridges, scales, rearing chambers with regulated photoperiod and temperature, binocular magnifiers and accessories, imaging microscopes and phase contrast microscopes.


FuEDEI also has a specialized library of more than 500 books, and a collection of approximately 6000 insects as well as 2300 herborized plants that are identified, catalogued and available in a database.


Meet our research staff

We are a team of researchers, PhD and postdoc students, interns, technicians and administrative personnel.

Associated Institutions


FuEDEI has signed cooperation agreements with renowned research institutions from different countries.