Biological Control

Since 2017, FuEDEI and the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (University of Buenos Aires) deliver a postgraduate course on Biological control of plants and invasive arthropods. The course mainly addresses issues regarding the ecology of invasions from a biological control point of view/perspective. During...

Since 2022, FuEDEI offers a Degree in Invasive Plants in Aquatic Environments as part of its educational and outreach activities. The course is supervised by Alejandro Sosa, Ana Faltlhauser, Nadia Jiménez, Tomás Righetti, Laura Varone y Fernando Mc Kay, from FuEDEI, in cooperation with the...

Development and strengthening of capacities in educational communities regarding the management of invasive species in aquatic systems. Through the Pérez-Guerrero Trust Fund for Technical and Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries, based on the Argentine, South African and Mexican experience in Biological Control and Biodiversity, the aim...

El control biológico de macrófitas en la Laguna del Ojo La laguna del Ojo, o de San Vicente está ubicada en la llanura Pampeana, Partido de San Vicente, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Desde 2009 se encuentra invadida por el camalote. Esta invasión en el cuerpo de...

FuEDEI participates in Plaza Ciencia, a science fair that takes place in La Matanza Municipality every year. During the week-long fair, the aim is to illustrate the bond among science, technology, their development and relationship, and the interaction between different members of the community. The...

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