Guillermo Logarzo

Guillermo A. Logarzo

Researcher at FuEDEI
Administrative Board Member

Research Gate
Area of expertise:
Pests, weeds, invasive species.

Licentiate in Biological Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires in 1987
Master Science at New Mexico State University in 1998
PhD Biological Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires in 2007

Work experience:

• FUEDEI Researcher (2014 to date)
• USDA/ARS/SABCL Researcher (1994 – 2014)
• USDA/ARS/SABCL Research Technician (1987 -1994)
• USDA/ARS/SABCL Technician (1986-1987)

Research focus:

My research comprises the areas of entomology and ecology, mainly connected to the control of pests by means of their natural enemies, mostly parasitoids, and studies related to the use of pheromones for sexual disruption or mass capture. The aim of these studies is the control of insect pests and, to a lesser extent, weeds, whose origin in most cases is South American.

My responsibility in the various research projects was focused on the search and development of environmentally safe and efficient control organisms, through bioecological studies: population parameters, specificity on the pest species, biogeography, functional response. We are currently conducting studies on the effect of natural enemy interactions when 2 or more candidate species are available and on their ability to control the pest.

Specifically, methodologies were developed to select the most appropriate strategy to release natural enemies, for example, if there is an order of release of natural enemies that increases the control capacity or if it is more efficient to release a single agent.

As a result of these activities, 29 biological control agents were studied and evaluated, of which 10 were exported to the USA and 2 to Puerto Rico; 52 scientific articles were written, 5 technical reports were recorded, and I was editor of 2 books. I have been a Thesis advisor for 3 PhD, and 5 licentiate theses.

Current research projects:

• Hypogeococcus sp. (Cactus mealybug) 2010 – to date.
• Cactoblastis cactorum (Cactus moth) 2007 – to date
• Trichocereus spachianus, (Torch cactus) 2019- to date
• Variegated Citrus Chlorosis (CVC) 2003 – to date
• HLB (Huanglongbing), Diaphorina citri and Tamarixia radiata 2010-2012, 2019 – to date