18 Jun Clorosis Variegada de los Cítricos (CVC)
Clorosis Variegada de los Cítricos (CVC)
In search of a rational management of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC) disease in Argentina, we are conducting surveys of potential vectors (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) of CVC in citrus agroecosystems of NOA and NEA, in order to select egg parasitoids for their biological control.
The Argentine citrus industry currently faces severe commercial limitations due to sanitary and environmental measures imposed by international markets. These limitations are given by the presence of quarantine pests, and the low levels of pesticide residue tolerance of importing countries. Through a Scientific and Technological Research Project (PICT-FONCyT) requested by FuEDEI and other national institutions (PROIMI-Conicet / FCNyM-UNLP / INTA), FuEDEI is participating in an integrated management plan for CVC. The aim of the project is to identify leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Proconiini, Cicadellini), potential CVC vectors, and select egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera) for their biological control in citrus agroecosystems of NOA and NEA.
Guillermo Logarzo, Fernando Mc Kay, Laura Varone, Mariel Guala, María Belén Aguirre.
Eduardo Virla (PROIMI-Conicet), Tucumán, Argentina.
Susana Paradell, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Pablo Cavigliasso, Dra. Ing. Agr. Beatriz Díaz, Ing. Agr. M. Sc. María Fernanda Rivadeneira, Jose Telayna y Mario Carmarán: INTA-Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concordia, Entre Ríos.
Roxana Almonacid, Máximo Raúl Alcides Aguirre, Matías Rossoli y Sara Cáceres: INTA-Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bella Vista, Corrientes.
Cristian Eric Stolar y Diana Oshashi: INTA-Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Cerro Azul, Misiones.